Piano White Little for ipod download
Piano White Little for ipod download

Piano White Little for ipod download

This type is harder as moving one's fingers is required. This means that the player has to move his/her fingers to another box after tapping one tile, then tapping another, repeating the sequence.

Piano White Little for ipod download

There are other types of tiles during the Arcade+ mode but that is a different story. There are two types of tiles showing on the screen during normal game play. If the player taps on a white tile, the player will lose the game, and the key will flash red. Piano Tiles is a game where the player has to tap on the black tiles and when each black tile is tapped, it will form a "piano sound effect". 3.4.2 Songs available for purchase (using notes):.3.4.1 Special songs (Already-playable):.

Piano White Little for ipod download